How to Turn on a Smartwatch without the Power Button?

Those who like to track their daily activities, stay connected to their phones, and have quick access to crucial information on the go frequently use smartwatches as an accessory.

One of the most critical components of a smartwatch is the power button, which enables you to start and stop the device.

But, you could be confused about how to turn on the smartwatch if the power button is broken. This article will walk you through turning a smartwatch without a power button.

Different ways of Turn on a Smartwatch without the Power Button

There are several ways to turn on a smartwatch without a power button. Here are some of the most common methods:

1. Use the Charging Cable

If your smartwatch is not turning on, you can use the charging cable to turn it on. Here’s how:

  1. Connect the charging cable to your smartwatch.
  2. Connect the charging cable’s other end to a power source, such as a wall outlet or a computer.
  3. Check to see whether the gadget switches on automatically after a few minutes.
  4. If the smartwatch doesn’t turn on, try pressing and holding the power button for a few seconds.
If this approach doesn't work, try an alternative power source or charging cord to determine if the issue is with the Cable. You should contact the manufacturer or a reputable repair shop for assistance if the gadget still won't power because it might be a hardware problem.

2. Use the Watch’s Touchscreen

Another way to turn on a smartwatch without a power button is to use the device’s touchscreen. Here’s how:

  1. Check if the watch’s touchscreen is working by tapping or swiping it. If it responds, proceed to the next step. If not, try charging the device or using a different method to turn it on.
  2. Press and hold the watch’s touchscreen for several seconds. This may turn on the device, depending on the model.
  3. If the device still doesn’t turn on, try double-tapping the touchscreen or tapping it repeatedly to see if this activates the device.
  4. If none of these methods work, try pressing and holding the device’s physical buttons (if it has any) to see if this turns on the device. Consult the device’s manual or online documentation for information on which buttons to press and how long to hold them.

If none of these methods work, it may be a hardware issue. You should contact the manufacturer or professional repair service for assistance.

3. Use the Watch’s Motion Sensors

Some smartwatches have motion sensors that can be used to turn on the device. Here’s how to use them:

  1. Make sure the device has enough battery power. If not, charge it using the charging cable or another method.
  2. Pick up the smartwatch and rotate your wrist a few times. This may activate the device’s motion sensor and turn on the screen.
  3. If the screen doesn’t turn on, try rotating your wrist differently or more vigorously to see if this activates the sensor.
  4. If the motion sensor method doesn’t work, try another way to turn on the device, such as using the touchscreen or charging the device.
Not all smartwatches have motion sensors, and not all devices that have them can be turned on using this method. Consult the device's manual or online documentation for information on whether this method is supported and how to use it.

4. Reset the Smartwatch

If none of the above methods work, or if the device is frozen or unresponsive, you may need to reset the smartwatch to turn it on. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Check the device’s manual or online documentation for information on how to reset the device. This may involve pressing and holding certain buttons or using a specific combination of touchscreen gestures.
  2. If the device has a reset button or pinhole, use a small object like a paperclip to press the button or insert it into the pinhole and hold it for a few seconds.
  3. If the device doesn’t have a reset button or pinhole, press and hold its physical buttons (if any) for several seconds until the device vibrates or the screen turns on.
  4. If none of these methods work, try charging the device or contacting the manufacturer or professional repair service.
Note that resetting the device will erase all data and settings, so back up any important information before resetting it. Also, different smartwatch models may have other reset procedures, so consult the device's manual or online documentation for specific instructions.

5. Use the Voice Assistant

Some smartwatches have voice assistants that can be used to turn on the device. Here’s how to use them:

  1. Ensure the device is charged and the voice assistant is set up and activated.
  2. Activate the voice assistant by saying a wake word or pressing a button, depending on how the assistant is configured.
  3. Speak a command to turn on the device, such as “Turn on” or “Wake up.”
  4. The device should turn on and respond accordingly if the voice command is recognized.
Not all smartwatches have voice assistants, and not all devices that have them can be turned on using this method. Consult the device's manual or online documentation for information on whether this method is supported and how to use it. Also, be sure to speak clearly and loudly enough for the voice assistant to recognize your command, and be aware that this method may only work in a quiet environment.

6. Connect the Smartwatch to Your Phone

If your smartwatch can be paired with your smartphone, you can turn on the device using the companion app on your phone. Here’s how to do it:

Read Also: How to connect smartwatch with laptop (Full Details)

  1. Make sure your smartwatch is paired with your smartphone via Bluetooth.
  2. Open the companion app on your smartphone.
  3. Look for an option to turn on or wake up the smartwatch in the app. This may be located in the device settings or on the main screen.
  4. If the option is available, tap it to send a wake-up signal to the smartwatch.
  5. If the device is compatible, it should turn on and connect to your smartphone.
Note that not all smartwatches have companion apps or can be turned on using this method. Consult the device's manual or online documentation for information on whether this method is supported and how to use it. Also, be sure your smartphone is within range and connected to the internet via Wi-Fi or cellular data, as this method requires an active internet connection to send the wake-up signal to the smartwatch.

7. Use a Magnet

Some smartwatches have a magnetic sensor that can be used to turn on the device. Here’s how to use this method:

  1. Locate the magnetic sensor on your smartwatch. This is usually located on the side of the device or on the back.
  2. Find a small magnet that can be used to activate the sensor. This can be a fridge magnet, a small neodymium magnet, or any other magnet safely placed near the sensor.
  3. Hold the magnet near the sensor on the smartwatch for a few seconds. This should activate the sensor and turn on the device.
  4. If the device is compatible, it should turn on and function normally.
Not all smartwatches have a magnetic sensor or can be turned on using this method. Consult the device's manual or online documentation for information on whether this method is supported and where the magnetic sensor is located. Also, avoid scratching or damaging the device with the magnet, and avoid placing the interest near any sensitive electronic components.

8. Use a Button Remapper App

If your smartwatch runs on Android Wear OS, you can use a button remapper app to assign a different button or gesture to turn on the device. Here’s how to use this method:

  1. Search for and download a button remapper app from the Google Play Store. Some popular options include Button Mapper, Flick Launcher, and Power Button Remapper.
  2. Open the app and follow the on-screen instructions to configure a button or gesture to turn on the smartwatch. This may involve selecting a specific button or gesture and assigning it the “power on” function.
  3. Save your changes and exit the app.
  4. Press the button or perform the gesture you assigned to turn on the smartwatch. The device should turn on and function normally.
Note that this method requires that your smartwatch runs on Android Wear OS and that a compatible button remapper app is available. Additionally, not all smartwatches have buttons or gestures that can be remapped, so consult the device's manual or online documentation for information on whether this method is supported.

9. Use a Third-Party App

If your smartwatch doesn’t have a power button or the built-in methods for turning it on don’t work, you can use a third-party app to turn on the device. Here’s how to use this method:

  1. Search for and download a third-party app that can turn on your specific model of the smartwatch. Some popular options include Wearables Launcher, Wear OS Start, and Watch Face – Minimal & Elegant.
  2. Open the app and follow the on-screen instructions to configure it to turn on your smartwatch.
  3. Save your changes and exit the app.
  4. Open the app and tap the “power on” function. The app should send a command to turn on the smartwatch.
Note that this method requires that a compatible third-party app is available for your specific smartwatch model. Additionally, not all smartwatches are compatible with third-party apps, so consult the device's manual or online documentation for information on whether this method is supported.

10. Use the Companion App

Many smartwatches come with a companion app that can be installed on your smartphone. These apps can control various settings on the smartwatch, including turning it on. Here’s how to use this method:

  1. Make sure the companion app for your smartwatch is installed on your smartphone.
  2. Open the app and navigate to the settings section.
  3. Look for an option to turn on the smartwatch and select it.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
  5. Exit the app and attempt to turn on the smartwatch.
Note that this method requires that a companion app is available for your specific smartwatch model and includes the ability to turn on the device. If you need help determining whether your smartwatch has a companion app or how to use it, consult the device's manual or online documentation for more information.


Turning on a smartwatch without a power button can be daunting for many users. However, as discussed in this article, there are several ways to accomplish this, depending on the specific smartwatch model and available features. It's important to note that not all of these methods may apply to your specific smartwatch model, and some may require additional setup or installation.


Can a smartwatch be turned on without a power button?

Yes, there are other ways to turn on a smartwatch without a power button.

What if none of the methods work?

If none of the methods work, it is best to contact the manufacturer’s customer support for assistance.

Will using these methods affect the smartwatch’s performance?

No, these methods are safe to use and will not affect the smartwatch’s performance.

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